
B-lite for energy & weight loss & appetite control

I tried B-Lite & I love it!
I personally took ONE CAPSULE  early in the morning before breakfast.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I had so much energy I had to do something!
I worked out at our home Gym for 45 minutes then drank a ton of water and went out and helped my husband cut and clear some trees for 2 hours.
Then we came in and I made dinner and I was still energized so I got on the elliptical for another 15 minutes. I slept like a baby that night!!!

B Lite is wonderful. So many people are loving the benefits like I am.

Would you like a FREE SAMPLE of B-Lite ?
Email me patriciakoch@centurylink.net with your name, address & phone # and why you want to try BLite and I will send your FREE SAMPLE OF B LITE out to you.

About Trish

I have been taking supplements since age 14. I read many books on the subject. I have kept my arthritis in check for years with supplements. On this blog I will share with you my experiences with the different supplements and what ever else I believe may be of interest to healthy minded people.
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